Organization: how is JoinData structured?
In the organization chart below, you can see how our organization is structured.
General assembly (GA)
JoinData is a cooperative and therefore we hold a general assembly twice a year. This consists of representatives of the member organizations. At the GA we discuss the past and future policy of JoinData. Members can vote, monitor how plans are implemented and have a say in strategic matters and other important decisions.
Johan de Schepper (Agrifirm)
Egon Verheijden (CRV)
Hans van den Heuvel (LTO)
Martine Boon (Rabobank)
Koen van Bergen (Vion)
Linda Verriet (POV)
Gert Sikken (Avebe en Cosun)
Jan Pieter Tanis (NZO)
Lubbert van Dellen (Flynth)
Supervisory Board (SB)
The Supervisory Board supervises the management of the organization. The board advises – solicited and unsolicited – on the general course of events within JoinData. In addition, the SB contributes ideas about the development of the organization in the medium and long term. Finally, the Board plays the role of a sounding board for the management.
Bernard Koeckhoven
Atze Schaap
Karel Heijink
Independent audit committee
We have set up an independent audit committee to oversee how farmers share their data through the My JoinData platform. The committee monitors the process of data sharing and ensures that the farmer’s position is strengthened. In order to achieve this, members can have checks carried out on authorizations and data exchange, both solicited and unsolicited.
Jaap van Wenum
Theo Koekkoek
Peter van de Streek
Jacques Honkoop
Hans van Kessel
JoinData has one director. He is responsible for the day-to-day affairs of JoinData and reports to the Supervisory Board.
Who keeps JoinData sharp?
Sounding Board Data
The Data Sounding Board Group has six experts in the field of software and data exchange. They give the board of JoinData solicited and unsolicited advice on issues, trends and developments around data and data exchange.
Frido Hamoen
Leon Ham
Tjebbe Huybrechts
Bert van ’t Land
Jan Dirk van Mourik
Sounding Board Farmers
We believe that the voice and vision of farmers themselves are very important. That is why we have set up a Farmers Sounding Board Group, consisting entirely of practicing farmers. They advise JoinData – solicited and unsolicited – on professional subjects.
Ron van Burgsteden
Mathé van den Bosch
Heleen Lansink-Marissen
ISO 27001
JoinData is ISO 27001 gecertificeerd. Daarmee is het dataverkeer dat via onze platform stroomt gegarandeerd veilig.
JoinData is ISO 27001 certified. This guarantees that the data traffic that flows through our platform is safe. ISO 27001 is a globally recognized standard in the field of information security. The standard describes in detail how we deal with securing information, so that we can ensure the confidentiality, availability and integrity of information within the organization. This includes things like the protection of personal and/or company data, protection against hackers and burglary.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is central to the entire organization. That’s why we have a data protection officer and treat all data as sensitive.